
作者:   发布时间:2022-04-20   




一、     留学生公寓楼开关门时间:

春夏季开门时间:早600   关门时间:晚2330

秋冬季开门时间:早630   关门时间:晚2300

二、     会客制度:


三、     按照北京市公安局出入境管理的相关要求,住宿人员在变更在华居留许可后,须立即持护照原件到留学生一公寓前台登记,以备公安机关查验及作为办理下一次续签凭证。

四、     严格按照学校的住宿收费规定缴纳住宿费用,应在每学期开学时一次性缴纳学期住宿费用,包括寒暑假。距住宿费到期还有一周时,须主动到前台续缴下学期住宿费。

五、     住宿人员须按指定的房间住宿,未经许可不得私自强占房间、床位或调换房间及家具设备。根据住宿人员的增减情况,中心将随时进行必要合理的房间调整,住宿人员均应自觉配合,不得以任何方式进行阻挠。

六、     住宿人员应保持公寓楼内安静。严禁高声喧哗、吵闹,严禁高声播放音乐,以免影响他人学习和休息。

七、     严禁吸毒、贩毒及各种违法活动。严禁从事各种形式的赌博活动。

八、     严禁在室内、楼内进行各类文体、娱乐活动。

九、     注意维护公共及室内卫生,讲究社会公德。公寓楼内严禁饲养家禽鸟兽等各种宠物。严禁存放自行车。严禁将鞋子、餐具、饮具或其他杂物放在楼道、厨房及其他公共场所,如放置在公共场所,则视为丢弃,管理人员将予以清除。

十、     爱护公共及室内设施设备。严禁在墙面钉钉子、张贴画报或擅自粉刷墙壁。严禁私自在房间及其他公共场所安装门锁。房间内配备的家用电器、家具及床上用品,在学习期间由住宿人员本人保管使用。严禁私自拆卸或任意移动公共场所及室内设施设备,如有损坏须照价赔偿。

十一、  严禁在未发生火情时动用或损坏消防器材。严禁在楼内或室内吸烟。严禁在公寓区内使用明火,如点蜡烛、焚烧纸张、杂物等。严禁将易燃、易爆、枪支弹药等危险品及绝密重要文件带入或存放在公寓楼内。严禁在公寓楼内使用煤炉、煤油炉、液化器灶具、酒精炉等可能引发火灾的器具。严禁在厨房以外的区域做饭。凡由于个人责任引起的火灾,将承担一切经济赔偿及法律责任。

十二、  严禁在室内自行拆装电源、电线、网线。严禁在公寓楼内安装及使用电热设备,如电炉、电暖器、电褥子、白炽灯等,严禁在公寓楼内为电动车或电动车电池充电,一经发现将没收代为保管并给予处罚。外出时务必锁好门窗,确保人走断电。嗅到电线胶皮糊味或发现其他异常情况时,立即报告服务台或其他工作人员。

十三、  严禁男女同宿、窜宿舍过夜。严禁带领非本楼住宿人员使用本楼的各项服务设施。

十四、  毕业或休、退学及结束任教的留学生和外教,自毕业或休、退学及结束任教之日起两周内退宿并离开公寓楼。

十五、  住宿人员须尊重公寓工作人员,服从各项管理,并配合公寓工作人员开展各项工作。

十六、  住宿人员须严格遵守本规定,按照相关流程办理各项手续,如有违反将进行处罚,视情节将予以取消住宿资格直至退学。






Rules of Accommodation


All of the buildings which serve as international students’ dorm are provided solely for international students and foreign teachers of BUPT as their place of living. All international students and foreign teachers living in BUPT dorm should abide by the laws and regulations in our countrybe qualified to live in the International dormobey all the rules and regulations and sign the Accommodation Agreement and Fire Safety and Responsibility Agreement, and in order to provide a safe and pleasant environment, the following rules are to be strictly adhered to:

1.        International dorm building(#1’s,#2’s #29’s) opening and closing times:

During spring and summer: 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. (6:00 – 23:30)

During fall and winter: 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (6:30 – 23:00)

2.        Visitors are allowed between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. (8:00 – 22:30). Visitors are required to present a valid identification document and sign in at the front desk upon arrival and sign out when leaving. Overnight visitors are strictly forbidden, no heterosexual visitors in female' dormitories and the implementation of the rules will be carried out strictly.

3.        In accordance with Regulations on Exit and Entry Administration of Beijing Public Security Bureau, foreigners who switch to (or renew) a Chinese residence permit are required to register (with one’s passport and residence permit) at International Dorm Building #1.

4.        The timetable for paying accommodation fees must be strictly adhered to.

5.        Residents are not allowed to switch, exchange, or transfer rooms or the furniture originally assigned to them. Management may execute inspections at any time, and residents must comply.

6.        Residents are required to maintain a quiet environment in the dorm building and refrain from loud activities at inappropriate times, including but not limited to the following: loud music, shouting, and any other behavior that would disturb others from studying or resting.

7.        Selling, buying, or using drugs and gambling are strictly forbidden.

8.        Athletic activities (football, basketball, etc.) are not allowed within the building or rooms.

9.        Be mindful of the cleanliness of both communal areas and bedrooms. Pets are not allowed anywhere in the building. Do not put any personal or communal items in the hallway (such as bikes, utensils, tools, etc.). Any items found in the hallway will be considered abandoned and be removed by the staff.

10.    Take good care of the dorm. It is prohibited to alter the walls. Residents are not allowed to install additional locks in either the bedrooms or communal areas. Take good care of the appliances, such as telephones, televisions,furniture and beddingand air conditioners, etc. Do not tamper with or move any of the appliances or equipment. Residents will be held responsible and must pay for any damages that result.

11.    Fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting appliances are to be used only in case of  fire. No smoking in buildings or indoors. Be sure to properly extinguish and dispose of cigarette butts. No open flames are allowed in the dorm, such as candles. Burning of paper and other small miscellaneous items is also prohibited. Flammable, explosive, and other dangerous items are strictly prohibited. In addition, classified documents are not allowed to be stored in the building.

12.    It is strictly forbidden to install and use electric heating equipment in apartment buildings, such as electric furnaces, heaters, electric mattresses, incandescent lamps, etc. Installing power supplies, electrical wiring, and internet wiring is prohibited.It is strictly prohibited to charge batteries for electric vehicles or electric vehicles in apartment buildings.When leaving the dorm, make sure the windows and door are locked and that electrical appliances are turned off. If you become aware of any burning smell or other strange occurrence, inform the buildings’ staff immediately.

13.    Males and females are not allowed to live or even spend the night together.

14.    If the residents graduate, suspend or leave from BUPT, it is required to vacate the room within two weeks of their graduation or leaving date..

15.    Residents must respect and cooperate with the staff in performing their duties.

16.    Residents must comply with these rules and be in accordance with the relevant procedures. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and may even lead to becoming unqualified to live in the international dorm buildings or dropping out of the university.


For assistance, please dial the following numbers at any time:

International Dorm #1 Front Desk (24 hours):62282825 or 82219704

International Student Apartment Office: 62282320