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To Beijing - Career Planning Activities for International Students: Our International Students Participating in the Event of “Xiaomi & BUPT - Virtual Corporation Visiting”

作者:   发布时间:2021-12-03   

In order to further enhance the career planning and career development awareness of international students in our school, improve the level of self-awareness and career exploration ability, and promote the high-quality development of talents, the International Student Affairs Office of the International Division launched the To Beijing International Student Career Planning Column activity.

On December 1, the International Student Affairs Office of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department, together with the overseas recruitment team of Xiaomi Group, carried out the event of 2022 online cloud visit for international students in BUPT, to help the international students deeply understand the recruitment information of Xiaomi Group and prepare for their future career planning. The event was hosted by Mr. Li Yongkun from the Department, and was attended by over 20 international students from Tunisia, Brazil, Morocco and other countries.

At the event, Kaile Han and Ms. Betty from Xiaomis overseas recruitment team shared corporate recruitment information with the international students, and had sincere exchanges on issues such as professional counterparts and corporate talent training and opportunities, with a warm atmosphere of the Q&A session. Through this event to build a broader employment platform, the Department hopes that more international students can learn more about excellent corporate cultures, corporate talent needs and development prospects, and formulate their future career plans more scientifically.